Jason & Sheryl

Husband and Wife

The rubber often meets the road when the free-spirited and the avid planner travel together. However, the tussle fades with the magic of exploring new places and realising that travel can be as meaningful and purposeful as we want it to be.

Jason and Sheryl grew up in the concrete jungles of Singapore and now reside among the mountains in Chiang Mai, Thailand. We are east-west opposites: Jason rides on the adrenaline rush while Sheryl paces it slow; Jason is enchanted by the sea while Sheryl is smitten with mountains; Jason thrives on spontaneity while Sheryl flourishes in being well-prepared. However, we meet in the middle with our love for nature, road-trips, culture, and conversations with local friends. We hope for our budget travel stories to be an invitation for you to travel and leave compassionate footprints wherever you go. Our travel can make a whole lot of difference to the communities we visit – come troop the world with us!

Things we love:

Coffee, Sushi, Massage, Mountains, Waterfalls, Beach, Camping, Nintendo Switch, Art, Culture, Languages, Communities, Marriage

Places we visited:

Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, The Philippines, Cambodia, Myanmar, India, Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Turkey

Jason Goh


Jason is a freelance web designer and social media marketing consultant. He is the free-spirited one who loves to go with the flow and soak in the moment. Through his culture and language nerd lenses, he loves to write on his beliefs about travelling and share his foodie discoveries. He is known to our Thai friends as Moo, which means “pig” in local language… Now you get the connection?

Sheryl Yeo


Sheryl’s heart is for the uplifting of communities one life at a time. She loves wandering through craft markets and charging her introverted batteries with art. She’s always fascinated by the intricacies of culture. Her mind operates in ordered lists (ahem, avid planner) and she has a box for everything except for herself - is she a communicator, community worker, artist, editor, or designer?